Upper 13 League

Career Regular Season Record Book (Pitching)

Batting | Pitching | Fielding
Season | Game | Career

All | Regular Season | Playoffs
All | League | Non-League
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Rank Player Total
2. Luke Harnish 0
3. Chris Kempf 0
4. Hunter Bay 0
5. Jackson Bonneville 0
Rank Player Total
2. Hunter Bay -
3. Chris Kempf -
4. Luke Harnish -
5. Jackson Bonneville -
Innings Pitched
8.0 IP
Rank Player Total
2. Chris Kempf 5.0
3. Hunter Bay 2.0
4. Luke Harnish 1.0
5. Jackson Bonneville 1.0
32 SO
Rank Player Total
2. Hunter Bay 15
3. Chris Kempf 10
4. Ryan Johnson 3
5. Luke Harnish 2
Bases on Balls (Walks)
Rank Player Total
2. Hunter Bay -
3. Chris Kempf -
4. Luke Harnish -
5. Jackson Bonneville -
Earned Runs
Rank Player Total
2. Hunter Bay -
3. Chris Kempf -
4. Luke Harnish -
5. Jackson Bonneville -
Hit By Pitch
Rank Player Total
2. Hunter Bay -
3. Chris Kempf -
4. Luke Harnish -
5. Jackson Bonneville -
Batters Faced - the total number of batters faced
Rank Player Total
2. Hunter Bay -
3. Chris Kempf -
4. Luke Harnish -
5. Jackson Bonneville -
Rank Player Total
2. Chris Kempf 5
3. Hunter Bay 2
4. Luke Harnish 1
5. Jackson Bonneville 1
Games Started
Rank Player Total
2. Hunter Bay 2
3. Chris Kempf 1
4. Ryan Johnson 1
5. Jackson Bonneville 0
Complete Games
Rank Player Total
2. Chris Kempf 1
3. Luke Harnish 0
4. Hunter Bay 0
5. Jackson Bonneville 0
Rank Player Total
2. Hunter Bay 0
3. Chris Kempf 0
4. Luke Harnish 0
5. Jackson Bonneville 0